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Founded by award-winning humanitarian Razia Jan, RRH has been educating Afghan girls since 2007 and continues educating girls in grades K-6 in 2024.
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Razia's Ray of Hope Foundation is committed to transparency and accountability.
Your donation will benefit the work of Razia's Ray of Hope Foundation's 501(c)(3) charity and is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. For more details, read our audited financials.​

Sarah Silverman
"Razia has brought education to Afghan girls and young women who would not only never otherwise have the opportunity but tend to be married off at 11 years old. By opening this door, she isn’t just changing their lives, she’s changing all of our lives by sowing seeds of change."

Jason Butler Harner
"I was just in awe of Razia's tenacity. Talk about someone who sees a need and injustice and she says 'yes and...' that is her. These many years later, with almost all NGO's pulling out of Afghanistan, Razia's Ray of Hope is still open. This school is still succeeding which I find remarkable, because education in any form, for any length of time is Afghanistan's best hope for a better, brighter future. People have seen the transformative power of Razia's work. She has shown what is possible through her words and certainly by her actions. She is a beacon of possibility.

Khaled Housseini
"What Razia’s doing is part of a transformative process. We’re talking about a paradigm shift. That shift begins with education. Those traditions and cultural beliefs that people have held onto steadfastly for so long are more malleable than you think. You have to know how to approach it. Razia is culturally very savvy and she's been able to present the school in such a way that is acceptable to the local population. There’s a lot of diplomacy in that. Razia has been a brilliant diplomat. She’s a very strong woman, and I’m full of admiration."
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